Meet mitchell silver

Mitchell Silver was appointed as Raleigh’s Planning Director in 2005, later adding the role Chief Planning and Development Officer to his work. While serving as Raleigh Planning Director, Mitchell Silver was lauded for his unique and community-focused efforts in planning. He made history as the first Black president of the American Planning Association and later the American Institute of Certified Planners.

As Raleigh’s Planning Director, Silver spearheaded the effort to craft Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance. It was a plan crafted with significant community input that envisioned a future for Raleigh’s growth grounded in equity and sustainability principles. Silver also led the effort to create a new multi-modal transit hub — now Raleigh’s Union Station. Raleigh Magazine credited him with “developing Raleigh into the vibrant, modern city it is today”.

In 2014, Silver was recruited to serve as Parks Commissioner of New York City. He was specifically chosen for his planning experience at a time when New York City wanted to reimagine their park system. As Parks Commissioner, he delivered over 800 capital projects — adding, expanding, and improving parks and green spaces throughout the city that had been neglected. He prioritized environmental protection and sustainability efforts within the parks system, reducing city dependency on fossil fuels, and completing the planting of a million trees to restore tree canopy. He also brought a focus on equity and inclusiveness , investing in restoring parks and public spaces in historically marginalized communities.

After his service as Parks Commissioner, Silver and his wife Mary returned home to Raleigh, joining his children and grandchildren. He is now a Principal at McAdams, where he specializes in urban planning and public engagement — advising local governments on creating long-term growth plans and leading community input sessions.