Mitchell’s priorities for raleigh

As Raleigh’s Planning Director from 2005 to 2014, Mitchell worked to craft a blueprint to guide Raleigh’s growth and development — the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance. It was a forward-thinking effort that brought residents, neighborhood groups, developers, small business owners, and community leaders together. The vision of that plan centered on equity and prosperity, sustainability, expanding housing choices, and managing our growth in a smart way.

Mitchell believes Raleigh needs to get back to the basics of planning — focusing on people first, and being purpose-driven in how our city grows and builds. Mitchell will bring the same approach he brought as Planning Director to the City Council — bringing our community together to create great places and spaces for every resident and every neighborhood.

  • Housing is a human right and Raleigh needs to be bold and innovative to provide more housing and make housing more affordable for everyone. Mitchell's plan for affordable housing is focused on:

    • Directly investing in creating new affordable housing units, and strengthening partnerships with Wake County and non-profits for affordable and supportive housing projects.

    • Expanding housing choice, allowing additional density — such as townhomes and duplexes — in the right places, alleviating demand pushing up prices in neighborhoods.

    • Protecting existing affordable communities and providing property tax relief to ensure longtime residents can remain comfortably in their homes.

    • Creating community land trusts and land banking for future affordable housing developments.

    • Streamlining the approval and permitting process to keep costs practical.

  • As a professional planner, Mitchell knows Raleigh’s growth should benefit all residents, accommodating needed growth while keeping our neighborhoods affordable and maintaining the soul of our communities.

    • Keeping development consistent with our Comprehensive Plan, so that growth is predictable and new development happens in areas that make sense.

    • Creating an anti-displacement plan to protect existing residents, property, and spaces -- particularly in historically marginalized communities.

    • Ensuring public input and community engagement on new development projects, so residents are informed and have a say in potential changes in their neighborhood.

  • Mitchell is proud to be endorsed by firefighters and law enforcement officers. Healthy and safe communities are key to creating a Raleigh where everyone can live, grow, and thrive. On the City Council, Mitchell will support efforts to make Raleigh a leader in community safety, including:

    • Increasing pay and benefits for law enforcement and first responders, ensuring those who protect our community can afford to live and raise a family here in Raleigh.

    • Establishing the highest standards for ethics and conduct and providing law enforcement with the best training on equitable enforcement and community policing.

    • Investing in sufficient infrastructure and personnel across the city to lower response times and maintain the safety of all neighborhoods.

    • Being proactive in community outreach and engagement and addressing underlying problems to prevent crime before it occurs.

    • Building partnerships with civilian counselors to ensure we respond to substance use, mental health, and family crises appropriately.

    As a planner and former Parks Commissioner, Mitchell knows that public safety includes creating public spaces where everyone feels safe and welcome. He’ll support investing in parks and community centers equitably throughout Raleigh and protect our green and natural spaces — supporting our environment, natural resources and the physical health and mental well-being health of all residents.

  • Throughout his career, Mitchell has been an advocate for sustainability, climate resiliency, and environmental justice. As a Parks Commissioner, he prioritized parks as a line of defense against climate change. He oversaw the protection of over 30,000 acres of parks and natural areas, and the planting of over a million trees. Neighborhood parks were built to capture stormwater and reduce impervious surfaces, and renewable energy was used to power buildings.

    Raleigh should remain the City of Oaks, and Mitchell will prioritize environmental concerns in city decision making, ensuring new development is sustainable in the long-term. His approach to sustainability includes:

    • Focusing on creating walkable, mixed-use communities along transit corridors so basic errands can be accomplished without a car.

    • Preserving and expanding Raleigh's tree canopy.

    • Increasing city use of renewable energy and reducing emissions.

  • Everyone in Raleigh deserves a voice in our future, and residents should be able to openly engage with their city council members and have an opportunity to provide input on proposals.

    As Planning Director, Mitchell held regular listening and visioning sessions with community leaders, Citizen Advisory Councils, and residents across the city as Raleigh crafted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Unified Development Ordinance, and policies around growth and development. Mitchell will continue his commitment to community engagement and outreach on the Raleigh City Council, especially as the city looks to create a new comprehensive plan.